All About Full Stack Development
When you are looking for someone who can take care of your whole web or mobile application development process, then you must come across the term full-stack development or full-stack developers.
Certainly, why not since the internet makes everything available at our fingertips. So, you may come across the term full-stack development.
As you think to develop a new programming application it needs a team of specialists collaborates & works together with complex technologies.
But in this modern, it is simplified with a technical person who is a “know all”, has a wealth of information and experience handling all the technologies required in software or application development.
However, you need to know completely about full-stack development before getting to it for your web or mobile application development.
Let us discuss want makes full-stack development a special one and who it can be done.
What is Full Stack Development
Full stack development refers to the development of the front-end and back-end of an application that can be used or delivered to the customer. In general, full-stack web development can be categorized as three layers as follows
- The Presentation Layer (deals with UI or UX)
- Business Logic Layer (deals with data validation) and
- Database Layer (deals with data storage)
In recent times, full stack development becomes more popular than any other development approaches. A few days back, the developer used to learn specific techniques and master that for years. Which needed to have a bunch of developers for single applications who are specialized in the particular technology.
But full stack development changed everything with the arrival of powerful libraries, which makes the development process easy and faster. And more efficiently a single developer can handle multiple things.
Earlier the life cycle for website development from Photoshop to Staging server was too long, but with full stack development, it has reduced 3 times lesser. Many purposes can be effectively achieved through this process.
Front-end Development
In software, the user interface is what visible to the users/customers. This want called as front-end of the software.
A front-end developer is responsible for the creation of visual elements like how the software or an app will look, interact and operate with the user.
Back-end Development
On the other hand, back-end what makes the software function well.
The developers who work at the back-end spend a lot of time creating and working with databases. To develop a user-driven software, you need both.
The full-stack developer is the one who is a pro in both the technical domains. It is also their responsibility to know every aspect of development including front-end, back-end, database queries, and various operating systems.
Technology That is Key for Full-Stack Development:
- Front-end
- Back end
- Database
- Middleware
- DevOps
- Project management tools
- Version control
1. Front End Technologies & Framework
A user interface is the visible part of a website or web application which in-tern responsible for user experience is the front-end. And the user of the application will directly interact with the front-end portion of the web application or website.
Languages and technologies which are used to build front-end portion are discussed below:
· HTML: HyperText Markup Language.
The design of front-end for web pages done using markup language. HTML is the combination of hypertext and markup language. Hypertext defines the link between the web pages.
The markup language is used to define the text documentation within tag which defines the structure of web pages.
· CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
The major responsibility of CSS is to simplify the process of making web pages presentable and fast as possible.
With help of CSS, you can apply different styles to your web pages. CSS enables you to do any style for your web page independent of the HTML which on the other hand makes up each web page.
· JavaScript
JavaScript is used to make the application interactive for the user. It is quite popular with a different framework. It is used to enhancing the functionality of a website to run cool games and web-based software.
Front End Frameworks and Libraries:
· Angular
Angular is mainly used to develop single-page web applications (SPAs).
It is an open-source framework.
It is a continuously growing and expanding framework which provides better ways for developing web applications. It changes the static HTML to dynamic HTML.
Moreover, Angular is an open-source project that can be used freely and also changed by anyone as per their needs. It is like HTML which is extended with Directives and attributes, and data is bound with HTML.
To know why to use Angular for your application development refer our blog Advantage of choosing angular.
· React.JS
A JavaScript for developing a user interface which is a declarative, effective, and more flexible to use.
It is also an open-source, and it is a component-based front-end library that responsible view layer of the application.
React application is made of multiple components, in that each element is accounted for rendering a small and reusable piece of HTML.
Go through our Reason why ReactJS is preferred to know what is the advantage of using React for development.
· jQuery
jQuery simplifies the interactions between an HTML/CSS document, or more precisely the Document Object Model (DOM), and JavaScript.
It is an open-source JavaScript library. The major advantage of having jQuery is it simplifies the HTML task such as document traversing and manipulation, browser event handling, DOM animations, Ajax interactions, and cross-browser JavaScript development.
It is an extension of CSS language which is more reliable, mature and robust. It extends the functionality of existing CSS by changing variables, inheritance, and nesting with ease.
It is compatible with all the versions of CSS.
2. Back end Technologies & Framework
It refers to the server-side development of web applications or websites focusing primarily on how the website works. It is responsible for managing the database through queries and APIs by client-side commands. This type of website mainly consists of three parts front end, back end, and database.
Languages and frameworks which are used to build a back-end are discussed below:
· PHP: It is a server-side scripting language designed for web development. PHP code is executed on the server side so it is called server-side scripting language.
· Java: Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages and platforms. It is highly scalable. Java components are easily available.
· Python: It is easier to learn and you can achieve more functionalities with less code. Especially for web development due to its amazing readability and efficiency. It is preferred due to fact the python code doesn't break when minor mistake or error has occurred.
· JavaScript: JavaScript is used to make web pages alive. And it can be used as both front end and back end programming languages.
· Node.JS: It helps in executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. NodeJS is not a framework, and its not a programming language. It is a runtime environment. Most of the people are confused and understand its a framework or a programming language. It used for building back-end services like APIs like Web App or Mobile App.
Back End Framework
The list of back end frameworks is Express, Django, Rails, Laravel, Spring, etc.
JavaScript is essential for all stacks as it is the dominant technology on the Web.
3. Database
The database is a data structure that stores the data in an organized format. It processes of retrieval, insertion, and deletion of data from the database are done simple if data are organized a form of tables, views, schemas, reports, etc. It is more are like a collection of inter-related data under one set.
· Oracle: Oracle database is the collection of data that is treated as a unit. The purpose of this database is to store and retrieve information related to the query. It is a database server and used to manage information.
· MongoDB: MongoDB, is an open-source document-oriented database. Since its a NoSQL database so it not look the table or relational database structure. It puts a different mechanism for storage and retrieval of data.
· SQL: Structured Query Language is a standard database language that is used to create, maintain and retrieve the relational database.
4. Middleware
It is software that lies between an operating system and the applications running on it.
In distributed applications, it enables communication and data management. So, itis Calles as a hidden translation layer.
All network-based requests are essential attempts to interact with back-end data.
That data might be something as simple as an image to display or a video to play, or it could be as complex as a history of banking transactions.
The requested data can take on many forms and may be stored in a variety of ways, such as coming from a file server, fetched from a message queue or persisted in a database.
It is middleware responsibility is to enable and ease access to back-end resources.
5. DevOps
To automate the processes between software development and IT teams A set of practices called DevOps is used. DevOps enables them to build, test, and release software faster and more reliable.
In recent times, DevOps becomes more popular because of its ability to faster software releases, the ability to solve critical issues quickly, and better manage unplanned work. DevOps process is trusted and believed it will give a better outcome from developers.
Some of the DevOps characters include increased collaboration, decreasing silos, shared responsibility, autonomous teams, and valuing feedback.
It is an extension of agile values since it uses many same as in agile values.
DevOps Tools
DevOps uses various tools to achieve consistency in the work process to deliver better results.
Some of the tools are as follows configuration management, test and build systems, application deployment, version control, and monitoring tools. Some processes are done continuously like integration, delivery, and deployment which may require different tools.
Still not convinced on using DevOps then read our DevOps and Cloud: The Key to Unlocking Faster Development to grab why DevOps is important
6. Project Management Tools
Project management involves understanding all the aspects involved in the development of the application or software.
It cores a wide variety of topics from people management to strategy and to communications.
All this process needs specialized tools and technologies to handle in the right manner.
Project management tools are used at a different stage of development. They include, but are not limited to:
· Planning/Scheduling - Before starting any process there should be clear planning and evaluation. It let you have a tool that allows you to plan and assign work as with tasks, subtasks, folders, templates, workflows, and calendars.
· Collaboration - Technologies have evolved long so, email is no longer the only tool of communication. Tools for assign tasks, add comments, organize dashboards, and for proofing & approvals has emerged and replaced emails.
· Documentation - You can reduce missing files with file management features: editing, versioning, & storage of all files. Which also increases the efficiency of having retrieving the missed data.
· Evaluation - Keep Track of all the process to evaluate the correctness.
You do not use any tools for Project management, then teams and clients are confused and unclear bout objectives. It also results in poor quality deliverables, projects going over budget and delivered late.
Project management enabled the team to ensure the right stuff is delivered; stuff that delivers real return on investment, and that makes happy clients.
7. Version Control
Technologies tens to evolve continues with new features and functionalities. If you have developed an application in particular technologies when a new feature is added the application must adapt to it as well. It becomes a challenging task for developers.
But version control systems help them to manage changes to source code over time. This is possible because it keeps track of every modification to the code in a special kind of database for every software.
Even if developers made a mistake, they can turn back the clock and compare earlier versions of the code. This intern helps fix the mistake.
The developer uses it for all non-binary files to enable multiple developers or teams to work in an isolated fashion without impacting the work of others.
It helps in isolation that the intern enables features to be built, tested, integrated or even scrapped in a controllable, transparent and maintainable manner.
Version Control Tools:
- GitHub
- GitLab
- CVS Version Control
Popular Stacks:
- MEAN Stack: MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and Node.js.
- MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, and Node.js
- Django Stack: Django, Python, and MySQL as Database.
- Rails or Ruby on Rails: Uses Ruby, PHP, and MySQL.
- LAMP Stack: Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP.
An Important Requirement to be a Full-Stack Developer
- To write the front-end code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- To create and use APIs
- To write back-end code in Ruby, Python/ Java, PHP
- Well versed to working with infrastructures like hardware and OS
- Solve and understanding queries related to databases
- Manage project and coordinate with the client
Even a full-stack developer requires some more skills to master the application development. Some as follows:
· The Architecture of Web Application:
A full-stack website application developer must have a basic knowledge of web application architecture. It should allow him or her to figure out the type of data that needs to be structured, the structure of the code, where and how to perform various computational tasks. This would help in developing complex applications.
· Basic Design Ability
Design skill is essential for good developers. Have a piece of knowledge in the principle and power of basic design prototype, UI design, UX design are also needed to understand the development lifecycle.
A full-stack developer should also have knowledge of the following innovation skills:
- Thinking capacity to solve issues on time
- Good communication skills to interact with the team efficiently
- Great creativity for solving the problem with sufficient solutions
- Time management skills to increase productivity.
- Need to know about different technologies
- Can see the vision of the business and understands the customers requirement
Why Go for Full-stack Development?
1. Utilization of Multiple Technologies for A Project
Full stack development comes with its own perks. Most of the developers in full-stack are well adept at languages and technologies. Full-stack developers have a great experience, as well as expertise in all the languages. This means it becomes the responsibility of the developer to ensure that the website looks well, as well as performs as expected.
In Full stack development, developers or a team of developers will convert designs into front-end code and even working with animation and graphics.
2. Unique Coding with Preferred Tools
Full stack development uses the tools and technologies of their choice for creating and designing unique code. This creates endless opportunities for developers as it does not restrict them to a certain set of tools for development.
3. Easy to Switch
Based on the project requirement, a professional full-stack developer plays the dual role of a front-end and back-end developer. This turns out to be a cost and time saver for a business as all the roles and responsibilities are performed by a single person. If you have a single point of context it will easy to switch.
4. Designing and Development Simultaneously
One of the key takeaways of working with a full stack developer is that they do not restrict to merely development.
They can work well on the entire design structure and perform the necessary updates. Likewise, the experience of a developer comes into play as he takes care of the common errors and bugs beforehand.
5. Cost-Efficient
If you consider hiring a dedicated front-end developer and a back-end developer for a project, it will shoot up the cost of production tenfold. On the other hand, a full stack developer will
perform the roles and responsibilities of both, and sometimes, the latter may surpass the efficiency of the former.
6. Designing and Implementation
A full stack developer takes responsibility for the design and development of the project. Given the fact that all the necessary resources are available in-house, the developer can perform his tasks with full potential.
7. Easy Updates
In this digital world, a full stack developer keeps up with emerging trends and technologies. As a result, the developer can grab the updates as soon as they appear on the market and add it to his armor. Faster than someone specializes only in the front end or back end technology.
8. Customized Workflows
It is possible to segment the tasks of design and development in full-stack development. And also customize the process as per requirement. A developer can also switch to any other task as per priority or as per the immediate need of the project.
9. All-In-One Solution
A full stack developer is efficient in not only finding out the root cause of a problem but can also provide solutions for any kind of bottlenecks. It makes this possible with their diverse knowledge of tools and technologies that are used for development.
10. Ideal for Small Scale Business
Full stack development is no less than a blessing for entrepreneurs and smaller to medium businesses of all shapes and kinds. Where a large-scale business may need help from dedicated teams and dedicated front end and back end developers, a front-end developer can take care of all these responsibilities by breaking down the tasks into smaller segments.
Full stack web development will be the finest approach to creating robust websites and applications. Since it enables us to take care of every part of the development with a single person.
There is a wide range of tools and framework developers can handpick the resources of his choice.
Infinijith offers you the best full-stack development services irrespective of the platform your business is running. Our full-stack developer can take care of the steps from conception of idea to actually finish your application. If you're looking for a full-stack developer, then Infinijith will be the preferred choice to satisfy all your software needs.

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