Angular vs React: Which JS Framework Is Better in 2023?
Where is it started? History of Angular and React
AngularJS was developed by Google (by Igor Minar, a former Google employee) as an open-source framework for developing Single Page Applications (SPA).
Other companies such as Netflix, Microsoft, PayPal, and more are adopted Angular for their app.
Angular and AngularJS
Is AngularJS different from Angular?
Google developed AngularJS to develop single-page web applications. You may know that AngularJS is a JavaScript-based framework for front-end app development.
Having advantages like dependency injection elimination and dynamic binding, AngularJS is still popular and growing with updated versions and termed simply Angular.
Even though Angular is on the same road as AngularJS, it has differences like:
Both are open-source frameworks for the front end, but AngularJS uses JavaScript, and Angular uses TypeScript.
This change helped developers develop the highly efficient app as core functionality transferred to other modules.
Angular is smooth and fast when comparing AngularJS and its other older versions.
Also, other changes to discuss are:
AngularJS has MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture whereas Angular uses components and directives.
AngularJS does not support mobile browsers, but Angular does.
AngularJS supports only JavaScript, but when it comes to Angular, it supports both JavaScript and TypeScript (that's why it is an updated version)
The latest version of Angular is Angular 14.1.0 (released on June 02, 2022).
These show the clear difference between AngularJS & Angular. Since Angular is in trend now, we will compare it with React to find the best framework.
Advantages of Angular
If you are a coder, you already know that Angular provides several benefits to its users, which is why it is popular among developers.
Some of the advantages to mention are:
Single page application
Component-based architecture
Two-way data binding
Dependency Injection
High speed and best performance, and more
Bonus 1:
To know these benefits in detail, check here- 10 Advantages of using Angular.
Bonus 2:
Does Angular have disadvantages? Why not? Each technology has its disadvantages. Check the cons here- Disadvantages of Angular
Bonus 3:
As mentioned above, most popular companies as Netflix, PayPal, etc., are using Angular as their tech stack. Want to know about those apps?
Angular App Examples – Click to know the applications built with Angular.
React was developed by Facebook as a replacement for their internal UI toolkit.
React is a popular library for building user interfaces with JavaScript. It uses a virtual DOM to render changes to the UI without having to rerender the entire view. This feature makes it much faster than traditional MVC frameworks.
AngularJS and React are both JavaScript frameworks for building web applications. They differ in how they handle user interaction and data binding.
As Angular, React also has various versions to provide new updates to the developers. The latest version of React is React 18 (18.0.0, 18.1.0, and 18.2.0), and the stable React version is 18.2.0 released on June 14, 2022.
Is ReactJS the same as React?
Of course, yes!
ReactJS is called short for React, and both terms are the same.
Advantages of React
Similar to Angular, the developer also like React due to its advantages:
High speed
Flexible and Simple
Rich interfaces
Stability in code
Developer toolset
Bonus 4:
Here are the advantages of using ReactJS in detail!
Bonus 5:
ReactJS App Examples – Click to check the apps built with ReactJS.
Since the two frameworks deliver their best results, let’s see their differences and decide the best framework for your application.
Note: We already wrote a detailed article on the difference between React and Angular in 2019. This article is its updated version!
Angular versus React: Side by Side Detailed Comparison
Why people (developers) are comparing these two terms? Angular or React!
Angular and React are two popular open-source frameworks for front-end app development. So, you have to decide on the correct framework to develop the best application over others.
Now we will check 9 different features to compare these JS frameworks.
1) Angular vs React - Learning Curve
As a beginner, both Angular and React are difficult to learn and will create a confusing state as to which one to start. The answer is in you.
If you are a total beginner in front-end development and do not know frameworks, then Angular is the best way to start.
But if you already know JavaScript, then React is the best option.
Since Angular is a library of concepts and complicated features (like dependency injection and more), Angular seems complex.
On the other hand, React does not have complicated features like dependency injection and is straight to the UI components. Thus it is a better way to start.
But overall, learning depends on your interest (as everyone says). Check the basic framework lessons and choose your interested framework.
This point is for a beginner developer who wants to choose between Angular and React.
The upcoming comparisons are suitable for all developers and entrepreneurs who aim to develop a good app with the best framework.
2) Angular and React Community
While Facebook, Twitter, and Netflix use React, Microsoft, Apple, and Forbes use Angular as their front-end JavaScript framework.
Big companies pick both frameworks as you check the app example articles (mentioned above).
Due to the complications in Angular, developers are more on React side. However, Google's support and update towards Angular help it grow potentially.
Though React is updated frequently and lacks documentation updates, its community support plays an essential role in forums to help React developers solve their problems without a hitch. If you are a great and consistent learner, React will be yours.
From this, it is clear that React has more developer/ community support than Angular.
React is more popular than Angular among developers.
3) Angular vs React? Which has Great Performance
You can get answers from two sides, shouting, Angular has better performance, and React is better. But here is our analysis.
Angular has two-way data-binding. Due to these bidirectional binding, every binding has a watcher to track modifications. Due to this, the development process becomes heavy.
When talking about React performance, it has single data-binding and virtual DOM. Due to this, browser loadings are reduced and do not have more watchers (compared to Angular).
Also, Angular uses Regular DOM leading to performance issues, and React uses virtual DOM leading to faster app development.
From this, React is performing better than Angular; also best for dynamic web applications.
4) Data Binding in Angular and React
As discussed above, Angular has two-way, and React has one-way data binding. We will decode this point now.
In Angular, if UI changes, the model also changes and vice-versa because of two-way binding. In React, the model updates first, and UI will be rendered finally with its one-way binding.
For the model state, you have to make a change by yourself.
The developer prefers two-way data binding (Angular) to one-way data binding (React) as it is easier.
However, here is the thing, the two-way data binding process becomes heavy when handling complex and large-size app development projects because when the process complexity increases, the difficulty in managing model and UI elements also increases.
Hence, developers opt for React when handling large and more complex app projects.
Wrapping this point, React is winning the vote in data binding.
5) Angular & React- UI Components & Directives
Having a pre-built and in-built material toolset and design components, Angular's UI configuration is rapid. React provides free and paid UI components that are developed by the community.
With React, users can understand the code (even if they are a beginner) since all templates and logic are in one place at the component end. It varies in Angular.
An angular template returns with an attribute (i.e.,) an object is set based on a directive that is difficult for readers to understand (if they are beginner and has no idea of Angular).
6) Angular and React- Syntax/ Language
We already differentiated AngularJS and Angular and knew Angular supports both JavaScript and TypeScript language. Since TypeScript is compact compared to JavaScript, developers can easily navigate code, and code refactoring is also simple.
React uses JSX script combined with JavaScript ES6+. JSX is a syntax extension of JS, and this helps to understand the code.
7) App Structure
In brief, the Angular structure is fixed and complex; that is why Angular suits experienced coding experts. It relies on three layers of MVC (Model-View-Controller).
There is no perfect and right structure in React, but the beginning app development stage is difficult and takes a long time to start. After that, the development flow starts fast.
8) Dependency Injection
In a word, Angular supports dependency injection, and React does not support dependency injection and has different lifecycles.
9) Which is Best for Future? Angular or React
The future of Angular and React is not decided now. People will choose easy frameworks with more benefits and features.
Since both Angular and React have constant updates and provide expected results, the future only decides the future of these frameworks.
Curtly, the framework with consistent new updates and community support will rule the future.
Angular versus React? Which one do you choose?
It is a big debate, but I hope this article provides you with the necessary solution to your question.
To summarize, Angular is a full framework, and React is a library.
Who uses React?
React is apt for startups and small-scale industries.
Who use Angular?
For its complex features, Angular is best for larger applications. Medium and large-scale industries that dream of building large-size applications can choose Angular.
If you are still in the picking stage, talk with our Angular and React developers to know the best option for your application. We will provide all basic and technical support from scratch.
Which one did you choose for the application? Angular or React. Tell me in the comments.
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